Consistency… what does it really mean?

Well let’s start with what it doesn’t mean… it doesn’t mean having to do back to back ‘race blocks or race builds’ and, it certainly doesn’t mean flogging oneself day in and day out!

Consistency is about adding little pieces to the puzzle session by session, day in and day out. Over and over again. See, that is sustainable. Sustainability is a key part of training – it’s a key part of lots of things in life.

It is about creating good ‘daily habits’ and all the things that support good health in general, as well as your training and racing. They are the platform for creating consistent training.

Consistency is also about not having large blocks of time where you don’t train at all, or, to the point above; not letting all those supportive habits slip away for one reason or another. Whether that be ‘life’, work, family, training volume itself or other ‘distractions’

Sometimes in life and especially in age grouper life not regressing is an achievement in itself – don’t undervalue that!

Remember the best programs are sustainable, and consistency creates confidence.

Be smart, #beyourbest…