This is the time of the year to reflect, reset and reload. Reflection includes looking back at the previous season and the races within it and determining whether you achieved what you set out to achieve and if you are happy with your progression.
Resetting involves taking this information and applying it to your goals, whilst at the same time, challenging yourself to continue your athletic development in the context of your life.
Following this it is time to reload and execute… the fun part! More on the phases of training and cyclic nature of the seasons (ie. Ebbs and flows) in the coming weeks but for now; some tips on planning the upcoming season.
1. Always begin with reflection… where have you come from? How was the previous season? This is not just about triathlon but life, work, family and all other commitments.
2. Next, reset your goals and expectations. Have you been successful? Do you want more? Dream big, but be realistic and be patient.
3. Plan ahead. Look forward at the next 6-12 months of your life. What is happening in your life and what races/events would you like to partake in?Prioritize the keys ones and where possible work them in around the other ‘events’ in your life.
4. Communicate. This process should be done in conjunction with your Coach but also with your spouse/family. Keep them involved and part of the process.
5. Work backwards from the main races in your season to now and plan rough outlines of the phases/stages of training and racing progression. Not all phases are equal and you cannot and should not be in ‘race prep’ mode all the time. For example, this time in the season is perfect for being a little less structured, trying some new things, laying the foundation for future work and focusing on a specific area of development – make the most of it and enjoy!
The above steps should make the season more manageable physically, mentally and emotionally. This will lead to a happier, healthier athlete who is consistently challenged and evolving.
Oh, and for goodness’ sake, do it cos you enjoy it!
Train Hard. Train Smart. Be Consistent. Be Your Best.