Great image from Endure IQ.

This is the way to look at your triathlon / endurance sport in the context of your life…

First of all you should ENJOY the sport – that is why we start and that is how it should stay… if it is starting to affect your enjoyment, something is amiss. Usually a case of chasing training hours, going too hard too often, or simply doing too much… it starts to become a chore.

Secondly, your HEALTH should stay in tact… or even better; improve! Sport, fitness and exercise should enhance your life. This point also relies on consistent execution of the basics… sleep, recovery, strength, hydration, fueling and daily eating habits as examples.

Finally; performance. For me PERFORMANCE in sport comes from creating a sustainable training program and consistent execution of basic and healthy habits. But, it is important to consider your performance in other areas of your life. Your performance should be stable or improve in work, relationships, business, family… the other areas of your life!

Self reflect… do you have the right mix or do you need to evolve your mindset and approach?