The Sunday set up is a performance habit anyone can complete on the Sunday of one week to set up for success for the upcoming week…

It’s is the simple process of taking a birds eye view of the week to come so you can be organized and ready for what’s ahead… for life and for training. It is something we encourage ALL JET Coaching athletes and community members to complete regularly to help improve capacity and productivity in any given week.

—> Start with the non negotiables… family time, work, meetings, functions and commitments that can not be compromised

—> Next comes rest, recovery, social time and other ‘self care’ practices… think about sleep, down time, family time, social interactions

—> Follow this with scheduling your key training sessions as outlined by your coach. Place these sessions at times where you can optimize your execution

—> Next up; your supporting sessions. Where can they be slotted in to your week to recover from or prepare for key sessions as well as help you manage your other commitments and mental health. Plan for these as well.

—> What other habits need to be considered so that you can get the best out of yourself for the week. Sleep, eating, hydration, organization, communication. These can be revisited or reset from previous weeks.

This practice is simple, yet effective… and it WILL set you up for success of the week when done correctly and you ensure you execute accordingly.

Give it a go, refine your approach, #BeYourBest