JET Coaching Scholarship Offer

It is time for the JET scholarship for the 2021/2022 season!

Last year we launched the JET scholarship initiative in an attempt to help people who otherwise wouldn’t have had access to coaching services.

This initiative was a great success; our inaugural scholarship holders both went on to smash their goals (despite a challenging year) and still continue their journey with JET coaching

But we are looking to help some fresh faces as we plan and prepare for the upcoming season… and beyond!


Our goal is to help as many people as possible live to their full potential; using the vehicle of triathlon and endurance sports.

How can we make a difference, and how can we help ensure everyone has access to a coach who can guide them, nurture their talents and help improve their fitness, health and day-to-day lives?

We are proud to be in a position to offer a JET Coaching Scholarship.

Although we already provide subsidised rates for those with financial hardship, we really want to be able to give-back to our community and provide a chance for anyone to be able to access the specialised services and inclusive community we provide.

What is the scholarship?

The scholarship is a full season of 1:1 coaching by Triathlon Coach and sport scientist Jamie Edwards, for the price of a JET community membership ($33/month)

We are offering one male and one female position.

Sponsorship commencement is May 3rd 2021 (through until April 18th 2022)

Who is eligible?

Anyone is eligible, however we will be placing priority for those who face financial difficulty in affording 1:1 coaching.

Successful applicants would also need to be fully committed to the JET ethos of consistency, engagement, passion and trying your best.

Previous sporting credential are not required. We also work with those who are physically impaired.

All we will be asking that you be an active participant in the coach-athlete relationship, be engaged in our community and partake is some basic promotional activity to help us build the #JETPack. This will include sharing some information on training, and the positive flow on effect of this to your training partners, friends and family.

How do I apply?

Simply complete the application via the online form prior to 5pm Wednesday 28th April!