Quick fixes and hacks dont work. Ironman is a big commitment and a long way. Completing one is a big task, doing it well is another thing altogether. Commit yourself to the nailing of the basics, the non-negotiables as a priority.
Completing and then competing in an IRONMAN requires an acceptance of a long and hard preparation and a long and hard race day… and that is if you are going well! It is one thing to be prepared physically, but also requires mental and emotional preparation. Some of this comes from your training and previous experience but a lot of it comes from within. Knowing your why: why are you attracted to the sport, what are your goals, what does it mean for you.
Ironman preparation is not a 12-16-20 week block of training leading into your next race. It is the accumulation of training, progression and improvements week on week, month to month and year by year. The final 12-16-20 weeks are the opportunity to narrow your focus and get specific with regards to nutrition, hydration, pacing and conditioning.
A sign of great performance is making the very best of a race/experience regardless of how the day is going for you… good, bad, ugly or indifferent. It takes strength, it takes gumption, it takes persistence, it takes acceptance, it takes positivity.
Regardless, break the day up into manageable chunks, remove expectations and commit to being your best in EVERY given moment.