David Britt
Age Group
Years in the sport
What brought you to the sport?
My son took up triathlon as his summer sport at secondary school. The school coach encouraged parents to also get involved in competition and I decided to give it a go.
Biggest accomplishment in the sport?
– Completing Ironman Melbourne in 2015 – Finishing second in my age group in the Triathlon Victoria State Series in 2019/2020 – Finally beating my teenage son in a triathlon. I beat him by the slender margin of 1 sec, but I knew I was knocking on the door of a win, when he beat me by the same margin in the previous race.
How has triathlon impacted your life?
I love the structure that it gives to my life. It forces me to be very organised and disciplined to fit in the training around a busy professional life. I love the multi-sport nature of the training which keeps it interesting by requiring you to try and master so many different skills. This also helps to even-out the wear a tear on the body which I hope will help to increase my longevity in the sport. I have also found triathlon to have a much higher level of camaraderie that most other mass participation sports.
Dream Goal
To eventually be able to compete in Kona before the end of my triathlon career
Dream Race
Obviously Kona.
Something interesting about you which most people would not know
I was given the nickname Dave One Speed by the members of the Windy Hill Running Group after they observed my ability to maintain a similar pace running uphill as I maintained on the flat.