Sometimes something is better than nothing for age group triathletes…
It is easy to fall into the trap of not starting a session if we are not going to be able to fulfill the session exactly as prescribed, or making it shorter than the original plan.
But, consistency is key. So often we need to compromise the overall volume (and our OCD tendencies) to maintain consistency.
Doing something and touching on a sport is better than missing the session altogether and/or trying to make it up at a later date.
Practical example:
AM Ride
Completed as planned before work
PM Run
50mins planned but delayed at work plus a commitment to take son to swim training means 50mins won’t be possible…
Proposed solution: Complete 30mins of Session in a compacted version without compromising warm up or cool down components of run
Outcome: Run still completed!
Obviously if this is happening regularly then it would be advised to discuss commitments with your coach and modify training week and/or revise your goals according to realistic training availability.
Good luck, train smart and be your best!