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Category: Coaching

It Is Easy To Get Fit

It is easy to get an athlete fit… well, if you know what you are doing anyway! But fitness will seldom be the limiter for race day performance.

Cardiovascular fitness can be built over a matter of weeks and is compounded over months and years. Heading into a race, long course in part ...

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Absorption Of Training Load

Improvement comes not from how much training you DO but from how much training you can ABSORB.

Which is why we must consider global stress and listen to our bodies… not just consider training related stress in isolation.

As always think big picture and long term


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Random vs Rigid

Do you know where you’re going?

Random approaches get random results. Athletes may ‘follow a program’, train daily and enjoy their training but the random combination of training sessions, race schedules and approach to nutrition, hydration, strength, recovery and even overall philos ...

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Choose Your Path

Choose your path.

A few things as we charge in to 2021…

1. Consider creating simple, sustainable habits – not big, grand changes that you’ll have forgotten about in two weeks

2. Think about the rhythm and intents of training sessions, weeks, blocks and phases &# ...

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The Ultimate Performance Hack…

Best hack ever… guaranteed to improve performance! And a timely reminder as we head into the ‘holiday’ season.

Keep hacking away at positive habits (doesn’t have to be drastic or in the form of unsustainable increases) and hack away at the unhelpful habits!

#beyourbest ...

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Improving Your Running…

Here is a great podcast / resource for all of us.

It summarises (and adds to!) the JET approach to running… for both runners and triathletes.

You will notice some common themes and references to:

– value of multisport for run performance – building overall r ...

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Swimming Case Studies

We look at a couple of case studies which address a couple of topics. Namely, the volume (or lack there of) ‘needed’ to excel in endurance sport and the value of consistency.

Quality and effectiveness of training stimulus should be the measure of success… Not simply how & ...

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What’s Your Relationship With Training?

A great article about our relationship with training…. and all other aspects of life, including work.

Some common themes for the JET COACHING athletes including a different way of considering KEY, Supporting and other training session ‘types’

Give it a read (it wil ...

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JET HIM CHALLENGE – 1.9km / 90km / 21km

Over the weekend many of the #JETpack got involved in the #JEThimchallenge.

For some it was just the bike leg, others two out of three legs, many did the whole challenge but broken up over a few days and some completed as a big brick session. Alternatively we had an abbreviated challenge f ...

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Structure And Routine

Great for 2020 and great for those times in life where things get ‘busy’…

Busy is ok – it is all about how to manage it.

Prioritize what really matters.

Organise (your day/week/month/quarter).

Create routine.

Maintain structure.

Your hea ...

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JET Stretching

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