You don’t get faster by training harder… you get faster by recovering better.
– Sleep – (Post Session) Fueling – Hydration – Appropriate intensity distribution – Body management
All come before fancy gadgets and ‘recovery’ products. Get the ...
1. Building General Resilience (Hint: Staple Ride and Runs) – easy, enjoyable, technical, ‘aerobic’, tissue endurance
2. Improving Overall Strength (Hint: Swim Strength, Pilates, General Strength Sessions) – improve range of motion, tissue health, global strength
3 ...
Many athletes around the globe have been forced indoors of late… and rightly so in many cases. But, getting outside in fresh air, amongst nature and in the sunshine is good for us. Good for us as human beings, let alone as ‘athletes’.
So embrace it and take opportunities where yo ...
As Coaches we will often hear that an athlete ‘needs to let off some steam’…
This usually means that they have had a few days off training, or have underperformed, or, they have had a stressful week/few days in other areas of life.
Their answer… go hard and try to †...
There is a lot of information available to us all about swim, bike and run as well as many other areas of triathlon, performance, strength and recovery.
What we always try to do is keep things SIMPLE, which hopefully creates sustainability in programming, coaching and execution.
Thi ...
More training is not necessarily the answer. For some, that is what they need to do… it is simple. But for the majority this is not what is missing in the quest to optimise athletic development.
To prescribe ‘more’ only works if the individual is able to absorb and adapt to the s ...
We are happy to announce that we have awarded our 2020 scholarships to two worthy recipients.
Not only are they people that we want in our JET Community but they are also both on the front line during the current global pandemic, so it’s nice to be able to support them.
We want to ...
Looking For a Simple Pre Run Warm Up?
Or a way to move and break up your work day?
Here is a simple, repeatable and adaptable little routine that gets you moving… and it only takes 5mins.
Give it a go!
Focus on things you CAN do!
• Accept, Adapt, Evolve:
• Trainer riding including End Of Range work
• Strength Training
• Mobility
• Technical Development
• Connect more with family and friends who also have time on their hands.
• Swim ...
What should the goals be for this period in our lives?
We want to come out the other side:
1. In good physical, mental and emotional HEALTH
2. With IMPROVEMENT in the areas in which we can work on; those within our control
3. Physically, mentally and emotionally MOTIVA ...