True fitness comes from building slowly over a long period of time. You will increase your potential of staying fit and truly exploring the top end your athletic potential.
So whilst you CAN get fit and prepare for a race with a 12, 16 or 20 week ra ...
PORT MAC The home of IRONMAN in Australia and an iconic race on the Australian triathlon circuit. – IRONMAN – 70.3 – 18 weeks away Who’s in? Let’s go! ...
TWENTY TWENTY FIVE…. One week on from IM 70.3 world championships in Taupo and what a day it was! When reflecting on the big days you can’t help but get excited about what’s to come… What do you want to achieve? How do you plan on making it happen? We are here to help you achie ...
THOROUGHBRED Some people are made for racing. Tyler is one of those people. Motivated, talented, gritty, passionate, tough and driven. He wants to race, he wants to improve, he wants to ‘win’… How do you manage an athlete who is a ‘beginner’ but has a limitless potential? How do you ...
TURNING BACK THE CLOCK Fastest 70.3 (and an equal PB) since 2012 as an ‘Over 50s’ athlete along with a lifetime best bike split. There’s no off switch – ME is on the hunt for more. Taupo up next! ...
FULL HOUSE! All three Aussie IRONMAN events in the bag for Brett: IMWA IM AUS IM CAIRNS The man makes it happen whilst working long hours & also had to contend with a less than ideal lead in but… not starting and not finishing wasn’t an option Job done. Back for more in due cours ...
VERSION 2.0 KP is back in the sport after a decade (+) doing other things in life… New goals have been set. A couple of marathons in the bag and in her second 70.3 back she already has a ‘new’ PB. All smiles as well. High five to that! ...
BACKING UP A very strong 5:40 for the man, D.Britt at Melb 70.3… Six days later he was at it again at Challenge Canberra OD. M65-69 is competitive… 4th place at Melbourne. 6th place at Canberra. Safe to say his season is underway. ...
FOURTY A lazy 40min 70.3 PB for Sarah on Sunday We build training around family schedules with the aim of prioritizing enjoyment, improvement & personal progression for Sarah From participation to performance over the past couple of years! Looking forward to what the future holds… ...
TIME TO BURN If you see Olive ask her what she did with her extra hour on Sunday… A whopping 61min improvement on her 70.3 finish time compared to Geelong in March. The girl is on fire and we have plenty more to come Goes to show what can happen when you commit to the cause, trust the pro ...