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Category: Age Grouper Life

JET Return To Swim Protocol

Pools are now starting to open around the country. Great! Time to get stuck into some swimming.

Well yes, but there is no rush. Hurry slowly!

Many have not been swimming consistently for many weeks… months for some. And even if you have been diligent with your swim strength an ...

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JET Pack Profiling – Ryley Pasquali


Ryley Pasquali

Age Group


Years in the sport


What brought you to the sport?

At Christmas in 2017, my aunty challenged me to do a triathlon. At the time I was still playing soccer, I did a fun tri in January 2018 during soccer pre sea ...

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Run Warm Up… Or Basic Mobility

Looking For a Simple Pre Run Warm Up?

Or a way to move and break up your work day?

Here is a simple, repeatable and adaptable little routine that gets you moving… and it only takes 5mins.

Give it a go!


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Recovery Is Critical

You don’t get faster by training harder… you get faster by recovering better.

– Sleep – (Post Session) Fueling – Hydration – Appropriate intensity distribution – Body management

All come before fancy gadgets and ‘recovery’ products. Get the ...

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Efficiency is the key to endurance sport performance…

It is about the trade off between your pace and the energy cost required to produce that pace.

Your best way to improve this is by being able to go faster at lower effort / heart rate / power.

There are technical and ...

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Five Point Checklist For All Athletes For Prep Phase / Training Through Global Pandemic…

1. Building General Resilience (Hint: Staple Ride and Runs) – easy, enjoyable, technical, ‘aerobic’, tissue endurance

2. Improving Overall Strength (Hint: Swim Strength, Pilates, General Strength Sessions) – improve range of motion, tissue health, global strength

3 ...

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Are You A Virtual Athlete Or A Real One?

Many athletes around the globe have been forced indoors of late… and rightly so in many cases. But, getting outside in fresh air, amongst nature and in the sunshine is good for us. Good for us as human beings, let alone as ‘athletes’.

So embrace it and take opportunities where yo ...

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Let off some steam…?

As Coaches we will often hear that an athlete ‘needs to let off some steam’…

This usually means that they have had a few days off training, or have underperformed, or, they have had a stressful week/few days in other areas of life.

Their answer… go hard and try to †...

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Pre Run Warm Up

Looking For a Simple Pre Run Warm Up?

Or a way to move and break up your work day?

Here is a simple, repeatable and adaptable little routine that gets you moving… and it only takes 5mins.

Give it a go!


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Guest Post: Strength Training Overview For Endurance Athletes

Throughout post season and prep phase, triathletes have a great opportunity to seek diversity with their training.

Away from straight line running, hours of pedalling and turning heads every two strokes, we can teach our bodies new skills, new movement patterns and create new habits in or ...

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