Winter is coming – stoke the fire
Meaning: Keep the fire burning through winter to build your base, get strong for the summer!
#jetcoaching #dreambig #workhard #triathloncoaching #ironman #halfironman #health #fitness #performance #swim #bike #run #swimbikerun #ag ...
Next up, Fuelling for the female athlete!
It has long been thought that female athletes should be fuelling differently to male athletes around training and racing. While this might be true to some extent, there are a few important things to consider.
We know that adequate protein and ...
In celebration of Mothers Day, we are going to have a month full of blog posts about the female athlete. Enjoy!
First up, the menstrual cycle.
A widely researched and sensitive aspect of women’s health that necessitates consideration when building a training program for the ...
Luke en route to his best IM to date. No one can do ‘in the moment’ like this man.
🏊♂️ 00:58 🚴 5:20 🏃♂️ 3:34 🏁 9:59
The ‘hard days’ are the most rewarding 👏
#jetcoaching #beyourbest #agegrouper #triathlontraining #tristuds #swimbikeru ...
Ironman is tough… Really tough. Shay said it best the day after IRONMAN Australia when he said they can be humbling… I have been humbled by this sport, as a Coach and an athlete, many many times. We say it a lot here at JET COACHING but it is a challenge to get to the start line. And it is a ...
“the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common”
There is great value in being a part of something… research tells us that it helps elevate individual performance as well
Case in point: JET Coaching third place overall in the Tri Club rankings ...
Frequency: Swim as frequently as possible (and with the shortest gap possible between swims)
This might be a simple ‘3 x per week’ approach or adapted to suit your schedule. eg. Tuesday & Friday each week. Consistency trumps greatness and hero sessions. & ...
– a moment, an action, an event or a goal where you have no limits, no excuses and are psychologically and physically ready to go better than you have before
#jetcoaching #beyourbest #ironman703 #swim #bike #run #swimbikerun #shutuplegs #70point3 #halfironman #s ...
As we conclude the racing season and enter the “post-season”, most of us will enjoy a period of R&R and relaxed training schedules. This period of time is there to allow the body and mind (and our families :)) to recover from the busy racing season. This is a great ...
For the majority the ‘triathlon season’ is complete and it is time to plan ahead for the remainder of the year and next season. Over the coming weeks we will be sharing articles and ideas about how to best manage this period, set meaningful goals and what training should look like to ...