Sustainability is important in all aspects of life. If allows for consistency. For your triathlon performance? your approach to training – sustainability = consistency your bike fit – fit allows for comfort you can maximize aerodynamic gains, ride faster and run well off t ...
Some will have heard this saying… but how is it applicable to training (and racing) to your potential? Well first, we need to “hurry up”. Act now. Take action. Show up everyday to help you make steps forward. But then we must “wait”… stay patient. Stay consistent. Play the long ...
Be. Your. Best. This is what it’s all about at JET COACHING. What is your potential and how can we help you get there? We want to help… in health, performance and all aspects of life! What is YOUR athletic potential? Whether it’s: A 4hr 70.3 or a 6hr 70.3 Qualifying for wor ...
We preview the five JET athletes racing IRONMAN Cairns on Sunday…
Put your BALL on the line… This is Josh. He’s the original rookie Robson. He has one nut. His optimism and enthusiasm was second to none prior to beating cancer. Now it’s off the charts. He’s a man on a ...We are spoilt for choice for endurance events in Vic. Four long course events within ‘driving’ distance as well as the 2XU series and a plethora of other running and multisport events in the calendar year round. We may be coming to the end of the ‘triathlon season’, which key events o ...
At the end of the day we all have one thing in common as athletes… we want to improve to the point of finding our potential! A season of improvement and a season of personal bests for Dave. How did we get there? The simple things: a sustainable training program, intensity control, i ...
This is Ryan. Ryan is an amateur triathlete in his first full season. Ryan is consistent and patient with his training. He has spent 18months working on creating good training habits. This includes being diligent with low HR/MAF/LT1 running. His pace at his ‘MAF’ HR cap has impro ...
IWD22 a good day to share this one… The Queen Jacquie is affectionately known as the Queen amongst the JET family. And for good reason! She’s humble, hardworking and just gets on with it. She’s actually pretty good too! What we were most proud of at Geelong was that she nailed her ...
There’s always talk about the 1%ers… But let’s talk about the 99% before that. The simple, basic, repeatable habits that are applicable to pretty much everyone, all the time. These are the things you want to be nailing consistently if you’re going to perform at your best (in sport and in ...
This can be a chaotic time of year so it’s a great time to be consistent with your routine and habits. Plan ahead, be organised and stay accountable It’s easy to say it’s too hard or you’re too busy… don’t take the easy road! ‘It’s just training’ you say? Training is a metapho ...