The final 9-13 weeks leading into an event is directly effected by the block of 13 weeks prior to that and that 13 weeks by the block that precedes it…
I think you get the point.
It’s not about having a massive block into a race/event, it is about layering the final pieces o ...
Choosing a Coach is important and should be taken seriously…
Having a Coach is an investment in yourself and your athletic journey.
You need to choose someone who cares as much (if not more) about you as you do.
And realize that it is not all about at ...
I am an advocate for morning training… especially for age groupers and especially for age groupers with busy lives. Why? Well, first thing in the morning provides the most certainty regarding allocation of time to train, which facilitates consistency, and importantly; sets up the body and m ...
accountability /əˌkaʊntəˈbɪlɪti/ noun 1. the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.
A very simple definition but still, to my mind, one of THE most important benefits of having a Coach…
Not just someone telling you what to do, or checking in on you (whi ...
Training should have the following:
– consistency – specificity – progression / challenges – a focus on SELF improvement
#beyourbest #simplicity
Try not to evaluate training performance day to day, or even week to week… Think of the bigger picture and think longer term. For example, month to month, or, per race block…
This is what consistency is all about… training, adaption and improvement over time.
A mi ...
Train with intent…
What do I mean?
Age groupers must learn to maximise the training time they have available… This means understanding the purpose of every session and the details of the session and perform them with intent and purpose.
Train with purpose and inte ...