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Category: Performance

Wetsuit Practice

Do you practice in your wetsuit prior to race day? You should. Generally speaking your wetsuit should help you swim faster at any given effort level. But it’s not a given. Wetsuit swimming is different to non-wetsuit swimming and as such should be practiced if you want to optimize the ex ...

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Repetition We are obsessed with constantly moving forward but often the best progression is actually repetition… Find a sustainable training routine that you can repeat week in and week out for months on end… Prioritize the things that you need… rinse and repeat. Simple! Those ...

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Monday Memes: Easy Is Easy

Yes we created a meme but we aren’t changing careers… yet! The message is a serious one. The majority of your training can and should be done at a sustainable intensity. This is true if you’re training for a PB or world champs qualification, or, for your health and fitness. There is g ...

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We are a product of our average week Not our best weeks. Not our worst weeks. Ensure your default is a high standard to ensure you can #beyourbest ...

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If you don’t stop you don’t need to get started again! We strongly encourage you to ‘ebb and flow’ rather than stopping and starting. Training can and should be a part of every day and every week… for everyone whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or die-hard triathlete. This phi ...

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Goals & Actions

Are your actions aligned with your goals? #jointhepack and #beyourbest #jetcoaching #takeaction #highperformancehabits #triathloncoaching ...

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Sustainability is important in all aspects of life. If allows for consistency. For your triathlon performance? your approach to training – sustainability = consistency your bike fit – fit allows for comfort you can maximize aerodynamic gains, ride faster and run well off t ...

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Race day can and should be the celebration. Celebrate the day. Celebrate the journey. Embrace it. Enjoy it. Have gratitude. Be. Your. Best. ...

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Hurry Up… And Wait!

Some will have heard this saying… but how is it applicable to training (and racing) to your potential? Well first, we need to “hurry up”. Act now. Take action. Show up everyday to help you make steps forward. But then we must “wait”… stay patient. Stay consistent. Play the long ...

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Be. Your. Best. This is what it’s all about at JET COACHING. What is your potential and how can we help you get there? We want to help… in health, performance and all aspects of life! What is YOUR athletic potential? Whether it’s: A 4hr 70.3 or a 6hr 70.3 Qualifying for wor ...

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