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Category: Performance

It ain’t all about the data!

We will just leave this here. It will have different meaning to different people. Remember, it ain’t all about the data. The data shouldn’t validate the benefit of a session or your associated self worth. Be sure to continue to enjoy your training & racing, focus on the journey, th ...

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Training Phases & Load Management For Age Group Triathletes

How do you manage your training? Do you leap frog between events or do you break the season up into different training phases? We are big advocates of the latter approach. We find it much better for overall athletic development, physical & mental health, year on year progression, training su ...

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Get. It. Done.

Looking back to the big dog (Ryley) swimming with a broken wrist (in a wrist guard)…

Those who are successful, in any area of life, find a way to get the important things done!

#getitdone #beyourbest


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Fast? Or Efficient?

Most of us a physiologically capable of achieving our goal paces… we just can’t do it efficiently enough! #efficiency #fastisrelative #jetcoaching #beyourbest  ...

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Baseline Testing

Exciting times ahead to the JET PACK! Prep Phase is in full swing and we are embarking on our first round of testing. The testing across swim, bike and run is designed to help athletes set up training zones, set goals relating to training performance and upcoming races and events! This round ...

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Walking as a performance tool…

When To Integrate Walk Breaks Into Running… Walking is often seen as the enemy but the reality is it can be a powerful performance tool. Let’s look at some situations where we believe you should be regularly integrating walk breaks into your training and racing. – If you are returni ...

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Rules For Success – In training, In life!

Integrate training into life! Don’t dump training on top of life.

Create sustainability. Create consistency. Be better. Be your best.

Oh and you can (should) have fun AND work hard!


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It is said that strength underpins every athletic endeavour. It is also essential to optimise our function as human beings. So, with it being clear that strength is important let’s characterise the TYPES of strength sessions that should appear regularly in your training. Yes, YOU.

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Group Training Sessions – Value Add

At JET COACHING our primary service is 1:1 coaching – this is a premium service designed to help each individual optimize their training for the betterment of all aspects of life. Group training can be a great value add for this service, which is why group session options (including live a ...

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Performance In Life…

Here are some pics of a couple of Dads… they are active parents, role models and family centered. They also have busy lives as leaders in their respective industries. They care about their health, fitness and performance. They are also triathletes and endurance enthusiasts with goals ...

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