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Category: Psychology


Mums are busy. Executives are busy. Labourers are busy. Business owners are busy. Truth is everyone is busy in their own way. But if you have goals, you have support and you prioritise your health, fitness & performance you can find a way to make it happen. You don’t need to wait for ev ...

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Who are YOU inspiring?

The next generation. You never know who you’re inspiring.


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Sometimes… Something Is Better Than Nothing!

Enough said. Sometimes a 45min run session is planned but can’t quite make that happen. Simply ask yourself – ‘is 25mins better that 0mins’? Of course it is! This approach is simple and helps promote consistency. You don’t need to chase the lost minutes with intensity or ...

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I will be my own motivation

– Josh Robson

#beyourbest #motivateyourself


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The Little Things Add Up…

All the little things add up… Every little decision you make adds up… As such everything to do with regards to; training, nutrition, hydration, mindset, sleep, recovery, strength adds up… Making positives choices will provide positive outcomes. Each time you do, you’ll ...

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JET COACHING… In A Nutshell!

We have a passion – we want to reach and help as many people as possible.

We work with people from all walks of life; busy executives, business owners and working mums to name a few. They are all joined together with a common denominator: to challenge and improv ...

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(real) T O U G H N E S S

Let’s talk about toughness… it’s one thing to be ‘tough’ when you’re feeling good and another altogether when you’re not feeling good!

We believe being tough comes easier to some than others but in any case it is trainable. Toughness can be practiced every session, day &a ...

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The Power Of Accountability

Invite a friend. The simple accountability of meeting a friend for a session, or having them along for the journey can go a (very) long way. Time and again we also find that the simple accountability of coaching is often of the most value when it comes to the coach: athlete relationship. Peopl ...

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Win the morning… Win the day!

Schedule training in the morning and protect that time. This is time you can keep for yourself and your training. Your mind should be quiet and there should be less things/people fighting for your attention. Get up. Get it done. Get on with your day. You’ll also also be equipping yoursel ...

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Be. Like. Anthony.

Let me tell you a story… This is Anthony. He has a young family. He’s a successful businessman. He was diagnosed with cancer. He had a major surgery. He completed chemotherapy & radiation. He now has two stoma bags. His goal is to be happy and healthy. His goal is to race triathlons. ...

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