Simple is sustainable.
Sustainable allow for consistency.
Consistency is key.
In sport and in life.
Think of the simple things you can do EVERY day that make you better.
Here are the broad areas we suggest you start.
Sleep Fuel appropri ...
Where should the focus be?
Training hard and getting fit is the easy part, or at least it should be.
What the majority miss is the supporting habits that ensure performance progression and consistency.
This includes:
– Sleep and other recovery habits – Foll ...
Tip #2 from pro triathlete Kevin Collington.
Sleep. The number one recovery tool in your belt.
You can increase nightly sleep by sticking to a routine and having a good setup. Pick a “shut down” time at night. For me it’s 7pm – no more work, only dinner and ...
Those who have successfully navigated this unique and challenging time in our lives are the ones that either:
– already trained for the intrinsic benefits it brings (physical and mental health, creativity, sense of accomplishment etc)
– have used training to provide rout ...
How do you plan ahead set yourself up for success?
The Sunday Set Up involves spending some time on a Sunday afternoon (as most operate on a Monday-Sunday week) to look at your commitments for the week ahead.
This time is not for work itself but the opportunity to look ahead at ALL ...
– Enjoy what you do – Train with purpose and structure, sometimes hard – Eat REAL food… enough of it, mostly plants, at the right times – Hydrate frequently – Sleep and rest – Be part of a community – Get outdoors, feel the sunshine and fresh air ...
The non negotiables:
– 🚲 Training – endurance load; swim, bike, run, other
– 🛏 Recovery – sleep, fuel, rest, easy ‘training’ & supportive sessions, post season, resets throughout the year
– 💪 Strength – activation, global ...
Sleep is critical. The right amount. Good quality.
It’s the most important tool we have… for health and performance.
Number one recovery tool: Sleep!
Try to get more hours at night, nap when you can, create a routine where you can get to bed earlier… especially in heavier training periods.
Sleep will improve performance in sport and in life…
Some tips to maximize sleep…
Your cheapest and most effect recovery tool