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Category: Profiles

Pack Profiles – Taylor Sansom

Name Taylor Sansom Age Group 25-29 Years in the sport Competitive… this year! But I have swum my whole life What brought you to the sport? I lived by the bay my whole life and spent most of it swimming, surfing or competing in surf life savin ...

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Pack Profiling – Miles Roberts

Name Miles Roberts Age Group 30-39 Years in the sport I’ve been cycling all my life, going through different stages. BMX, mountain bike, road, fixed gear/single speed What brought you to the sport? My dad. He got me my first bike when I was 3 ...

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Pack Profiling – David Britt

Name David Britt Age Group 60-64 Years in the sport 13 What brought you to the sport? My son took up triathlon as his summer sport at secondary school. The school coach encouraged parents to also get involved in competition and I decided to give it ...

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Name Matt Ellis Age Group 50-54 Years in the sport Since 1997- man I feel old writing that What brought you to the sport? Friends and the Physical Challenge Biggest accomplishment in the sport? – Completing Ironman Busselton in ...

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Meet the #JETpack – Charlie Roberts

Name Charlie Roberts Age Group 25-29 Years in the sport Less than 1 What brought you to the sport? Through losing weight to fight in Muay Thai I started running. Then I decided to choose a more “sustainable” sport for my body that I could see m ...

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Meet The #JETpack – Ahmed Mourad


Ahmed Mourad

Age Group


Years in the sport

Three years. I did my first race in November 2017.

What brought you to the sport?

Passion and well-being. I ...

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Meet The JETPack – Kate Bannister


Kate Bannister

Age Group

Age 42 – feels 24 – acts 21.

Years in the sport

Started tri about 8 years ago and did 3 years of sprint series. Ditched the bike after a mate got collected and concentrated on swimming for 2 years.. now obsessed with run ...

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Pack Profiles – Dom Frazzica


Domenic Frazzica

Age Group


Years in the sport


What brought you to the sport?

Getting bored of just running and extra challenges

Biggest accomplishment in the sport?

Cracking 5 hours in a 70.3

How has triathlon imp ...

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Meet the #JETpack – Shaun Miller


Shaun Miller

Age Group


Years in the sport


What brought you to the sport?

Fitness / Cycling

Biggest accomplishment in the sport?

16th out of the water in AG tri. Hated swimming until I swam with the JET Squad

How ha ...

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Meet the #JETpack – Joshua Robson


Joshua Robson

Age Group


Years In The Sport

1.5 years

What brought you to the sport

Got told that doing an Ironman without proper training was impossible. So a challenge was set in place. And haven’t looked back.

Biggest Accompli ...

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