We are a product of our average week Not our best weeks. Not our worst weeks. Ensure your default is a high standard to ensure you can #beyourbest ...
Is the humble long ride the ‘most important’ session for a long course triathlete? We think it will come close for the majority of age group triathletes! Why? specificity to event aerobic conditioning muscular endurance relative low risk of overuse injuries ‘cross pollination’ ...
If you don’t stop you don’t need to get started again! We strongly encourage you to ‘ebb and flow’ rather than stopping and starting. Training can and should be a part of every day and every week… for everyone whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or die-hard triathlete. This phi ...
Sustainability is important in all aspects of life. If allows for consistency. For your triathlon performance? your approach to training – sustainability = consistency your bike fit – fit allows for comfort you can maximize aerodynamic gains, ride faster and run well off t ...
In the spirit of the preparatory phase of training being great for resetting great habits here is a look through the archives with some general advice around fueling and hydration for training to help you optimise health, fitness and performance. Pre Session Hydration –> https://jetcoac ...
This is Ryan. Ryan is an amateur triathlete in his first full season. Ryan is consistent and patient with his training. He has spent 18months working on creating good training habits. This includes being diligent with low HR/MAF/LT1 running. His pace at his ‘MAF’ HR cap has impro ...
Habits vs Motivation Habits are engrained in to our daily routine. They are stable and reliable. Motivation can come and go. It is easily affected by sleep, fueling, hydration, mood and is as such, much less reliable. Don’t rely on motivation. Set yourself up with good routines and good ...
Do. Epic. Things. Special mention to Luke Host on his efforts over this weekend. 250km+ ride 4000m+ elevation 10hrs+ Solo How do you prep for such an effort? Well, all simple stuff! high frequency of riding through the week, every week consistent long rides focus on both daily nu ...
There are solutions to every problem. It’s in your mindset. And the approach can be practiced. If we keep opting out, then opting out will become the default response. If we keep looking for solutions and ways to make it happen then this will become our default. Which would you prefer ...
Two weeks since Geelong 70.3. 2XU Race five and Coles Bay happened this weekend. One week until Challenge Shep. Two weeks until Melbourne 70.3. Three weeks until 2XU Race Six! Race season in in full swing, so that means that the race phase of training is in full swing for JET coachin ...