Triathletes… Use the pace clock!
The pace clock is a simple and very effective swim tool that has been in use for many years.
The best swimmers and the best triathletes in the world use this tool with great effect… and so should you.
It can measure pace, rest and ...
Session of the week…
This is one of my favorite sessions and is often a subset of longer swims session as well.
The version below is a great options for ‘time-poor’ or busy age group triathletes…
I like it because it is short and sharp, but it is also ...
”4, 3, 2, 1”
This is one of my favourite sessions because of its simple, yet diverse nature.
4, 3, 2, 1 is 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m swimming intervals.
It can be used as a warm up, a progressive main session or repeated several times to make up a full swim. It can ...
Most adult triathletes are non swimmers and did not grow up swimming… Even if they did, there is often a large gap (many years) between swimming as a child / adolescent and then swimming again as an adult triathlete. In any case, don’t chase perfection in the water if you are a t ...
Session of the Week
Try this swim session for aerobic development and strength endurance. It is designed to have you swimming strong in the back half of the session. Simple and Effective.
Focus on quality of movement throughout the session, especially in the back end when you are st ...
Swim training… it’s not just for the swim leg!
‘the swim leg is the shortest part of the race, it doesn’t matter so much…’
Your swim training and therefore swim fitness has much more effect on your triathlon performance than you might think… ...