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Understanding the role and value of structured training

Training and triathlon may be your hobby but it can have great flow on benefit to all other areas of your life. When we talk about the integration of the sport into your life, this is what we mean.

So often we hear that triathlon gets in the way of, or, is a source of stress and anxt for r ...

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Training is for practice…

Practice good form Practice concentrating Practice staying positive Practice practical cues Practice relevant skills Practice pacing Practice ___________

Practice what needs to be practiced!

It will be very difficult to execute the ideas above ...

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More thoughts on simplicity…

Back at the track over the weekend for a run clinic with some of the JET guys…

There is a lot of information available to us all about swim, bike and run as well as many other areas of triathlon, performance, strength and recovery.

What we always try to do is keep things SIMPL ...

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Big Picture Thinking…

The things you are doing now will have direct correlation to how your body will respond and adapt during the race specific phase of training and your racing next season…

Train smart and think big picture:

– create good habits – work on your limiters – thin ...

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10hrs a week…

In the triathlon world 10hrs a week isn’t considered to be a lot of hours. But think about this:

10hrs a week for 10 weeks is 100hrs of training…

100hrs for a 4-6.5hr (HIM) or 9-17hr (IM) SINGLE DAY event.

That IS a lot of hours.

Now, if someone devoted 100hrs ...

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Ironman 70.3 World Championships – Taupo 2020

Do you want to race in Taupo in November next year?

Have you considered your options for qualification?

Conventional wisdom would suggest you need to be prepared to go and have a top 10 or higher finish in your age group to give yourself a chance… but there are other ways to a ...

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Running Resilience

Building running resilience… with frequency?

Want to improve your running but not ready for / don’t have the time or inclination for long, heavy run kilometers?

Try increasing the frequency of running… Run short and run often whilst still completing 2-3 key run session ...

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Paul Moore – KONA Bound!

Paul Moore… Off To KONA! 🌴

Congratulations and well done to Paul Moore on qualifying for Kona at Cairns last weekend 🚀

After racing for 10h 18m and putting together his best Ironman performance to date (Note: NOT fastest time) Paul ended ‘in the mix’ in his AGR ...

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This Ain’t No Tour Bus!

’This ain’t no tour bus’…

Love this quote from Coach John Hellmans.

Translation: fitness and performance take hard work and perseverance.

The best results, you will work for. Progression wont be linear, and that is ok!

Don’t like it: jump on the tour bus ...

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JUNK Miles

Say no to JUNK miles… the proof is in the name.

Each and every session should have a purpose and this will guide your execution of it. Some easy sessions aren’t necessarily junk miles. Easy can take on many forms. Recovery, prepatory, adaptation or technical development.

If ...

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