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Swim Session to try

Session of the week…

This is one of my favorite sessions and is often a subset of longer swims session as well.

The version below is a great options for ‘time-poor’ or busy age group triathletes…

I like it because it is short and sharp, but it is also ...

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Evaluating Training

Try not to evaluate training performance day to day, or even week to week… Think of the bigger picture and think longer term. For example, month to month, or, per race block…

This is what consistency is all about… training, adaption and improvement over time.

A mi ...

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Age Group Motivation…

Some motivation in the form of accepting the reality for everyone!

JD knocked out a half distance PB up at Sunshine Coast 70.3 with a 4.48. Not bad at 56 years of age and >10 years in the sport.

On face value it would seem he wasn’t at his best as he has had a few ups and downs ...

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Eat your veggies!

Had some great food whilst traveling Europe…

And it was refreshing to see lots of options for the health conscious

Including those with specific requirements (gluten free, vegetarian etc)

Was impressed with the salads in Greece… the portion size was fantastic. An ...

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Intent and Purpose…

We have all heard of quality over quantity… But what does it really mean?

Some self reflection of late along with some guidance from additional learning / personal development has lead me to consider this from an endurance athletes standpoint.

Regardless of ones view on the v ...

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One for the Coaches and the athletes…

Are you Uncoachable.

Quote from article by Matt Fitzgerald.



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Physical vs Mental Prep…

Physical vs Mental prep for race day…

Consider your mental and emotional preparation for your next race. The mental, emotional and psychological aspect of race day has been shown to be a massive component to performance and outcomes.

We all spend a lot of time and effort preparing ...

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Session of the week – Staple Long Ride

Session of the week – Staple Long Ride

This is not a sexy, dynamic session but it should be part of your staple diet leading into an event… The idea is to accumulate time on your bike, preferably in your ‘race position’ i.e. TT position and a steady and consistent heart rate and ca ...

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Physiological Adaptations To Training

Physiological adaptations to training

The notion of training is about adequately preparing ones body (and mind) for the rigours and demands of racing

It generally takes 3 months / 12 weeks of consistent training stimulus for physiological adaptations to occur in our body. As such th ...

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Pace vs Heart Rate for measuring intensity

Pace vs Heart Rate for measuring intensity

There are many ways to measure the intensity of your training and racing… triathletes often get caught up in time and pace. My preference as a Coach is to guide people to use heart rate as their measure of intensity.


Using hea ...

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