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Feeling Good vs Doing Well – Performance Optimisation!

The best performances aren’t about feeling good the whole time. They are about making the best of any given situation, race or opportunity with the resources you have at the time. Remember that. Be Your Best.

#Simplicity #Passion #Service #BeYourBest


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Countdown to Busso 70.3

Day 1: The coaches diary leading into Busso 70.3🤘

Watch and Subscribe for daily updates:

#jetcoaching #beyourbest #agegrouperlife


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Coaching: It is NOT a hop on, hop off service

Coaching: it’s not a hop on hop off tour bus…

Long term consistency and long term relationships will always yield the most positive results.

Your relationship with your coach is one such example. For some, however, because it is a hobby for them (the athlete) the coach and t ...

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If you’re an endurance athlete focusing on how many hours you train or how far you travelled in a session then you’re focusing on the wrong things

– Jamie Edwards


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The Game Changers Movie

Highly recommended for anyone interested in health, fitness or performance, but also those who are confused by the constant commentary regarding ‘plant based eating’ on social and main stream media.

It is simple, easy to follow, informative and educational. It explores many ben ...

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JET Community

Join a Melbourne born global community of SWIM BIKE RUN enthusiasts! Get a JET Community Membership today 🚀

At JET we believe in ongoing education and the value of the community. We are all on individual journeys but there is much to be said for being involved in something bigger than y ...

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JET Coaching

Take your TRIATHLON and LIFE performance to another level! Join the JET pack 🚀

💪 1:1 Coaching 🗓 Dynamic and pragmatic programming 📜 Ongoing education 🚀 Supportive community 🤗 A Coach who cares about YOU 🌎 Available worldwide 🚀 Access to group training options (in Me ...

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Female Sports Performance

Women Have A Period

An important conversation starter for all female triathletes, athletes, fitness enthusiasts…

But, even more so for their coaches, partners, team-mates, health practitioners

Men and women are different and this affects their training, racing, sleepi ...

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Session Hierarchy: Key Vs Supporting Sessions

Does each training week look the same? Does each session in your program have the same weighting? Are your training sessions a grind physically and/or mentally? Does training often feel like a chore? Do you find you arrive to race day very well prepared but lacking enthusiasm to race… you c ...

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Integration Mindset

If the desire is there it can be done… one of my passions is helping people integrate training into busy lives. Whether it be to race or to use Multisport to improve health, fitness and performance… in all areas of life.

It often takes a shift in mindset… it did for me to ...

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