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Relaxed is efficient. Efficient is fast.

Relaxed is efficient. Efficient is fast.

We all want to be ‘fast’… Fast is relative, but, speed comes from efficiency. And efficiency can be maximized through being relaxed!

So learn to relax when you swim, bike and run… This will improve your efficiency and ...

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Swim Session – Give it a go!

Session of the Week

Try this swim session for aerobic development and strength endurance. It is designed to have you swimming strong in the back half of the session. Simple and Effective.

Focus on quality of movement throughout the session, especially in the back end when you are st ...

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Ironman Training…

Ironman Cairns is 5 weeks away… Training focus should be consistency including logging necessary training volume to adequately prepare for the specific rigors of race day.

With this comes fatigue, and tiredness, often a blur of the two!

My advices is as follows:

Firstl ...

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Something is better than nothing

Sometimes something is better than nothing for age group triathletes…

It is easy to fall into the trap of not starting a session if we are not going to be able to fulfill the session exactly as prescribed, or making it shorter than the original plan.

But, consistency is key. S ...

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Training Whilst Travelling

Consistency is key, right? So try not to let travel affect this…

I always advise athletes to pack training gear when travelling… whether it be camping, for work, on holiday. If you have it packed it’s an option!

Next, I advise to look at schedule for the week/month ...

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Menstrual Cycle And Training

Female Triathletes…

Have you considered the effect of your hormones and your menstrual cycle on your training and performance?

You should.

There is more and more info available and more and more research out there on hormonal cycles, which can help you improve performan ...

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Managing ‘Stress’

A thought on stress…

In a nutshell, stress is stress – no matter whether it’s from exercise or from lifestyle, and the more stress you’re placing on yourself from your lifestyle, the less stress you’ll be able to place on yourself from exercise. – Ben Greenfield

Age grou ...

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Tips For Racing An Extreme Triathlon

Tips for racing an Xtreme Tri… Eg. Australian Alpine Ascent…/australian-alpine-ascent/

I recently participated in the AAA (a long course triathlon with includes over 4000m of elevation across bike and run) and upon reflection have come up with s ...

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Australian Alpine Ascent Race Report – Coach Jamie

Do AAA they said, it will be fun they said!

The Australian Alpine Ascent is held by Elite Energy Events at Lake Jindabyne, NSW. It is Australia’s version of an Xtreme Triathlon… a style of racing made famous by the Isklar Norseman Xtreme Triathlon held in the Norwegian Alps every year. ...

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Swimming For Triathlon

Swim training… it’s not just for the swim leg!

‘the swim leg is the shortest part of the race, it doesn’t matter so much…’

Your swim training and therefore swim fitness has much more effect on your triathlon performance than you might think… ...

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