Coaching is not just for athletes. We work with a range of individuals to help them be their best. It’s not all about race day performance (although that can be arranged ) – it’s is about self improvement, health, fitness, energy management and enjoyment! #beyourbest #athleticmindset ...
The athletes that perform the best athletically (relative to their potential) as well as in other areas of life have a few things in common… and they are REALLY simple. Honestly, they are accessible to everyone. > they are consistent – they create sustainability, training daily is wh ...
A quick appreciation for this guy… Ryley ‘Big Dawg’ Pasquali He is an important part of the JET community and a developing athlete himself. On top of this he is assisting Jamie in leading some training sessions, providing massages for the squad athletes (when he can) and last but not ...
Mums are busy. Executives are busy. Labourers are busy. Business owners are busy. Truth is everyone is busy in their own way. But if you have goals, you have support and you prioritise your health, fitness & performance you can find a way to make it happen. You don’t need to wait for ev ...
JET COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP “I really have not seen anything else in the market that comes close to the value for money and the value for the athlete than the Community Membership program offered by JET, I would recommend this to anyone interested in making a positive change in their life” # ...
It has been said recently that planning is critical for success but also a waste of time… How do you plan? What do you include in your planning? We encourage all our athletes set aside some time each week to plan ahead. We think it should include: work family time sleep downti ...
Strength Training. Not ‘just’ for injury prevention or athletic performance. It’s good for us as human beings. Remember; health first. Then Fitness and performance. And yes! You should strength train… For us strength comes in three main forms: – activation (pre-hab, re ...
All the little things add up… Every little decision you make adds up… As such everything to do with regards to; training, nutrition, hydration, mindset, sleep, recovery, strength adds up… Making positives choices will provide positive outcomes. Each time you do, you’ll ...
We have a passion – we want to reach and help as many people as possible.
We work with people from all walks of life; busy executives, business owners and working mums to name a few. They are all joined together with a common denominator: to challenge and improv ...
Invite a friend. The simple accountability of meeting a friend for a session, or having them along for the journey can go a (very) long way. Time and again we also find that the simple accountability of coaching is often of the most value when it comes to the coach: athlete relationship. Peopl ...