Age Group
I’m 33. (34 now!) I don’t know the age groups anymore it’s been so long since I last raced!
Years in the sport
I had one successful year of racing, but I’ve been training for five years.
What brought you to the sport?
Simple is sustainable.
Sustainable allow for consistency.
Consistency is key.
In sport and in life.
Think of the simple things you can do EVERY day that make you better.
Here are the broad areas we suggest you start.
Sleep Fuel appropri ...
Where should the focus be?
Training hard and getting fit is the easy part, or at least it should be.
What the majority miss is the supporting habits that ensure performance progression and consistency.
This includes:
– Sleep and other recovery habits – Foll ...
Focus on creating sustainability. In training. In life.
Tip Number Six From Pro, Kevin Collington!
Leave the ego at home during training. Save your superhuman performances for race day. No racing in training! And somewhat related – everyone wants to train their strengths – but you have to train the weaknesses the most.
Enough ...
Tip number five from Kevin Collington… Training partners help a lot. Wolves are more successful in packs. For us it could be someone that pushes us to go harder (for me – Sam Appleton), or just someone to socialize with.
For age group triathletes, and especially during ‘C ...
Inspired by the fast and furious style of racing of SUPER LEAGUE TRIATHLON the #JETpack took on Super September this past weekend. The weekend did not disappoint as the squad took on various high octane challenges. There was a mix of hard work, lots of fun, personal bests, friendly banter and fri ...
Brenton Logan
Age Group
Years in the sport
What brought you to the sport?
I was after a challenge – all three disciplines were not particularly my strengths of mine
Biggest accomplishment in the sport?
Enjoying swim ...
David Gunn
Age Group
The toughest one! 45-49
Years In The Sport
Been dabbling in it since 2013. Took it seriously for a while (2017-19) including 1:1 Coaching.
What brought you to the sport
Was a reasonable club runner as a bairn. Then took a ...