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JET Coaching Scholarship 2020 Update

We are happy to announce that we have awarded our 2020 scholarships to two worthy recipients.

Not only are they people that we want in our JET Community but they are also both on the front line during the current global pandemic, so it’s nice to be able to support them.

We want to ...

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Pre Run Warm Up

Looking For a Simple Pre Run Warm Up?

Or a way to move and break up your work day?

Here is a simple, repeatable and adaptable little routine that gets you moving… and it only takes 5mins.

Give it a go!


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Guest Post: Strength Training Overview For Endurance Athletes

Throughout post season and prep phase, triathletes have a great opportunity to seek diversity with their training.

Away from straight line running, hours of pedalling and turning heads every two strokes, we can teach our bodies new skills, new movement patterns and create new habits in or ...

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Post Season And Preparatory Phases Overview

We use a series of cyclical phases to help guide our training and manage the seasons here at JET Coaching… Here is a brief overview of which phase we are in now and the value of said phase

The Post Season and Preparatory Phases usually fall immediately following the end of the season ...

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Post Season And Preparatory Phases Overview

We use a series of cyclical phases to help guide our training and manage the seasons here at JET Coaching…

Here is a brief overview of which phase we are in now and the value of said phase

The Post Season and Preparatory Phases usually fall immediately following the end of th ...

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Global Pandemic + Preparatory Phase Of Training

Focus on things you CAN do!

• Accept, Adapt, Evolve:

• Trainer riding including End Of Range work

• Strength Training

• Mobility

• Technical Development

• Connect more with family and friends who also have time on their hands.

• Swim ...

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How to approach training (life) at this time…

What should the goals be for this period in our lives?

We want to come out the other side:

1. In good physical, mental and emotional HEALTH

2. With IMPROVEMENT in the areas in which we can work on; those within our control

3. Physically, mentally and emotionally MOTIVA ...

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JET Cycling Challenge… Complete!

JET Cycling Challenge

In lieu of the great ocean road otway Classic… and for a bit of fun this weekend saw another challenge for the JET Pack and wider JET community.

We had 160/100/60km challenges either indoors or outdoors. Another simple, yet effective way to get the guys ...

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MAF MAY —> Low HR Challenge

Welcome to MAF MAY, JET Coaching’s Low HR Challenge! Intrigued? Read on to find out more…


Anyone who wishes to improve and be a part of the challenge.

You do need a working, accurate and reliable heart rate monitor WITH HEART RATE STRAP (wrist based heart rate r ...

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JET Coaching Scholarship

Our goal is to help as many people as possible live to their full potential; using the vehicle of triathlon and endurance sports.

How can we make a difference, and how can we help ensure everyone has access to a coach who can guide them, nurture their talents and help improve their fitness ...

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