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Processes, clear goals, nailing the non negotiables and integration of training into life on the quest for improvement all allow us to set up sustainable habits. Sustainability creates consistency. Consistency is key to (athletic) performance.

This in ...

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Quick fixes and hacks dont work. Ironman is a big commitment and a long way. Completing one is a big task, doing it well is another thing altogether. Commit yourself to the nailing of the basics, the non-negotiables as a priority.

Completing and then competing i ...

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Race Results

Race results and race snaps (from various sources) for your Monday!

2XU Triathlon Series – Melbourne


Ryley Pasquali, 1.11 – 3rd AG Amy Humphrey, 1.29 – 2nd AG


Jamie Edwards, 2.07 – 1st AG, 7th overall John Shiels, 2.12 – ...

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Real Coaching

Don’t hire a coach (well not JET Coaching anyway) and expect to be told what you want to hear…

A worthwhile Coach will tell you what you need to hear, whatever that may be!

You just need to be willing to listen, execute and grow.


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Process vs Outcome

The most successful athletes, the most successful people are process obsessed. Understanding how and why as well as embracing the challenges along the way are critical to high performance; no matter the endeavor.

We should focus on what we can control, no matter what. The process we can c ...

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Guaranteed performance… no such thing.

Performance requires preparation.

Preparation alone does not guarantee performance.

Execution is critical.

Tip: practice execution in key training sessions and be prepared to go get it when it counts.


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Resolutions (vs goals)

This new year choose goals and proper goal setting over resolutions.

Keep them simple.

Ensure they are meaningful.

Then, very importantly, do the things that need to be done to make them a reality.

Happy New Year!


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Ongoing Education via JET Hub

Ongoing education and content via the JET Hub for all JET athletes and JET community members.

All about helping people IMPROVE, develop and grow as an athlete… and human beings.



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Be YOUR Best

QOTD: A flower does not think of competing against the flower next to it… It just blooms! 🌸


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Goal Setting


I suggest taking some time to revisit your goals within the sport and how they fit in with your life.


All goals should be smart: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Based

They should have meaning and value for you so that regardless ...

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